Friday 25 December 2020

Festivemas Day 2020 - Gifts (2)

I gots gifts from Bunny! 

A magazine, that had gifts inside!

What was in the gifts with the magazine 

I gots chocolate coins! Yummy! 

Festivemas Day 2020 - Gifts (1)

I gots gifts from Santa!

My haul... 

I gots magazines!

I askeds Santa to make me a unicorn, I gots these clothes!

Chocolate, and orange, and new friend! 
A unicorn lion, he's called Ramsey. 

Festivemas Day 2020 - lunch

My Festivemas Day lunch

All done! It was very yummy much lots!

Thursday 24 December 2020

Advent Calendar 2020.... Days 22 - 24 and Haul

Day 22

Day 23

Day 24

Advent Calendar 2020 Haul! 

Festivemas Gifts (2)

I got some Festivemas Gifts from one of Bunny's friends.
I got some lovely new jammies!

And a gingerbread man outfit!